When we speak about intuition, we must be thinking about ‘Peter-Tingle’. You will understand precisely what we mean if you have ever been in a scenario when you had a strong hunch, or gut feeling, about what you should or shouldn’t do. Though its precise definition is elusive, intuition may be conceptualized as an intrinsic “knowing” or “understanding” of reality. Although everyone’s perception of it varies, when you experience it, you usually know and there are various Ways to Tap into Your Intuition.
Our intuition is erratic. It is neither a cognitive ability nor does it originate from your conscious mind. It is impossible to cultivate intuition by reading up on it or working relentlessly towards a goal.
In contrast, when you remain still, take the time to contemplate, or engage in more passive activities, intuition tends to be more apparent or resonant. Highly intuitive individuals often believe they are comfortable listening to their gut feelings and can sense them with ease.
Tips For Tapping into Your Intuition

1. Meditate
Meditation is one of the Ways to Tap into Your Intuition. Experiencing disarray makes it more difficult to connect with your inner guidance.
You might get more in tune by spending time in solitude since intuition tends to surface during calmer periods. You may choose to participate in guided meditations or just sit alone for five minutes to practice meditation.
2. Be Quiet
Life isn’t made to make it easy for most of us to hear our inner voice. Not only are our gadgets and the media constantly sending us signals, but many of us learn early on that our thoughts and feelings are incorrect. To fit into our social institutions, we are trained to modify our innate tendencies. We are trained to obey the rules, and all too often, this means sacrificing our ability to hear our inner voice.
Going back to your intuition is just going back to what you knew instinctively before you were socialized to fit in with the norm. It means making a connection to your wild, primordial side. Thus, find a quiet enough place to let go of self-doubt and avoid being sidetracked by extraneous influences. Meditate, or just be quiet. Bring your focus back to yourself.
3. Pay Attention To Your Body
Paying attention to your body is one of the answers to How to Tap into Your Intuition. Our bodies are how we experience intuition. We may feel the intuition guiding us via bodily experiences like shivers down our spine or limbs, a knot in the pit of our stomach, unexpected tears, or a general sense of simply knowing.
Try this to develop your intuition: Breathe deeply, let your body relax, and just pay attention to how you are feeling at that moment. Ask your body what it wants you to know, then pay attention to the feelings it gives you when it answers.
Your intuition may attempt to communicate with you via words or pictures if at first, you are unable to feel anything. If so, discover the locations of these signals in your body to better understand their significance. Sit back, observe what arises, and have an open mind to receiving. This may be done in any manner you like. Just be patient and practice listening.
4. Spend Time Outside
Spending time outside is one of the Ways to Tap into Your Intuition. There are a lot of benefits to being outdoors. You may relax, clear your mind of distracting ideas, and become more conscious of the fact that you are a living creature who is beautiful exactly the way you are by spending time in nature and paying attention to its inherent perfection and beauty.
When you’re outdoors, pay attention to any ideas that arise; they could be your intuition trying to tell you something.
5. Recognize Your Emotions
Feelings may be intricate. Our intuition might be obscured by difficult emotions, particularly when they’re behaving erratically. Hence, the following will help you: identify your feelings. They may even be given a persona, much as in the Disney film ‘Inside Out’. Anger can be a fiery commando that never stops trying to accomplish goals. A woman with a long face and a constant discussion about the end of the world is anxious.
It may seem absurd, yet humans often anthropomorphize — that is, give names to inanimate objects — ships, vehicles, guitars, teddy bears, and more. This process is known as anthropomorphizing. Research also suggests that it might lessen loneliness and encourage interpersonal relationships.
6. Be Willing To Surrender
Sometimes your gut may indeed lead you to take actions that you may not want to do. Many times, our intuition tells us not to do what we want to do, like contact the incorrect person, eat a box of cookies, or spend money on unnecessary items.
Even when you don’t want to or the information you hear doesn’t make sense, practice paying attention to your inner voice. Generally speaking, intuition is much more perceptive than thinking. Thus, give in to this incredible part of you that has intuition and allow yourself to be led to the life you were destined to lead.
7. Journal
Journaling is an answer to How to Tap into Your Intuition. In a similar vein, writing may help you bypass your conscious mind and let things arise. Try writing one to three pages of your thoughts when you sit down once a day.
Keep track of everything that seems to be a sign or a fascinating coincidence and try to figure out how to make sense of it or connect the dots.
8. Learn To Say No
It might be hard to recognize when your gut tells you to stay away from something if you’re not used to saying no. I used to reject my intuition when it told me that someone or something wasn’t appropriate for me because I didn’t want to come out as impolite.
You may improve your capacity to sense when someone or something isn’t benefiting you and take appropriate action by practicing saying no and leaving unpleasant circumstances.
9. Identify The Cues
It’s in your nature for your body to reflect your inner emotions. Depending on how your brain interprets anything around you, your body may open up or shut up. In real life, you’ll often see this: at a bar, a person might express rejection by swaying their body and crossing their arms in front of another person before they ever speak.
Keep an eye on how your body language changes in response to various stimuli to develop your intuition:
- Open body language: When your intuition says “Yes,” and you agree, cues like smiling, leaning forward, and bending your body towards something are all signs.
- Closed body language: On the other hand, signs like crossed arms, pressed lips, or a hunched over might be signs that your gut is telling you, “No.”
Some Physical Signs of Intuition
You may make significant improvements in your life by following your intuition. You may have learned Ways to Tap into Your Intuition, but how can you determine whether your gut feeling is attempting to alert you to something? These are tangible indicators that your intuition is operating:
A strong feeling in your chest: Often, when you have a deep sensation in your chest, your intuition is attempting to communicate with you. There may be a sensation of dread or anxiety that goes along with it. When you get this sense, observe your surroundings, and see if there is something that you should be aware of.
An abrupt shift in your heart rate: If your heart starts pounding out of nowhere, it can be your intuition attempting to get your attention. This is particularly true if your heart palpably races for no obvious cause. Make sure you are in a secure location and pay attention to your surroundings if your heart is beating.
A sensation of unease around certain people: Your intuition is most likely attempting to alert you to the presence of certain people if you feel uneasy around them. This uneasiness or anxiousness might be a symptom of this discomfort. If you have this emotion, pay attention to it and avoid the person or circumstance that is causing it.
Feeling hyperawareness: Hyperawareness is an intuitively enhanced state. Your senses are keen when you’re hyperaware. You may experience perceptions that others don’t share. Though it may seem overwhelming at first, try to follow your gut.
Q: What’s the difference between intuition and instinct?
A: An instinct is a predisposition that comes from nature, such as the desire to consume food or stay away from insects with eight legs. Conversely, intuition is often acquired through experience and grows during a person’s life.
Q: Is it possible for your intuition to be incorrect?
A: Yes, because of our cognitive biases, intuition might be incorrect. For instance, if you have a strong gut feeling that your spouse is about to leave you, you may begin to “see” patterns in them, such as spending more time with their friends or receiving strange messages on their phones.
These patterns may indicate something, but they may also just be your brain’s attempt to gather as much evidence as possible to support preexisting beliefs.
Q: From where does intuition originate?
A: Lifelong learning experiences are the source of intuition. A person is more likely to have stronger intuition if they can draw lessons and understanding from their experiences.