You may be shocked to hear how important it is to be able to express and experience enthusiasm. Your answers are greatly influenced by your feelings of excitement, which are your emotional reactions to a particular situation. Being in touch with them gives you access to valuable information that supports decision-making, success in relationships, and self-soothing. In case you are feeling overwhelmed, please note that there are Ways to Control Excitement.
Excitements may be helpful in daily life, but when they go out of hand, they can harm your relationships with others and your mental health. But with a little practice, you can take charge again. Two studies that Trusted Source released suggest a connection between well-being and emotional regulation skills. Moreover, the second research found a potential link between these skills and financial success, so investing some time and energy there may be beneficial.
Tips For Controlling Excitement

1. Try Deep Breathing
Deep breathing is one of the Ways to Control Excitement. When you experience an overwhelming amount of excitement, your fight, flight, or freeze reaction goes into overdrive, making it impossible for you to think clearly and feel your emotions at the same time.
Your heart rate is probably increasing, blood supply to your kidneys and stomach is decreasing, and adrenaline is beginning to spike. It’s hard or impossible to comprehend what other people are saying while you’re in this mindset, much alone be conscious of your feelings and ideas. You are essentially in survival mode because you feel a danger.
Breathwork is beneficial. According to research, deep breathing triggers your body’s “rest-and-digest” mode, the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps you relax and regain equilibrium.
2. Consider The Impact of Your Excitement
Not all strong feelings are negative. Excitement gives our life color, excitement, and individuality. Perhaps exuberance indicates that we are not suppressing our natural impulses and are instead welcoming life to the fullest.
It’s normal to sometimes experience emotional overload, whether it’s as a result of a positive or negative experience or a sense of having missed something. So how can one tell if there is a problem?
Regularly out-of-control excitement may cause:
- Conflict in a friendship or connection.
- Trouble connecting to others.
- Difficulties at work or school.
- Emotional or physical outbursts.
Take some time to consider how your unbridled excitement is impacting your daily life. It will be simpler to pinpoint issue areas and monitor your progress as a result.
3. Instead of Repression, Aim For Regulation
It’s not possible to regulate your excitement with a remote control (if only it were that simple!). But just for a second, consider being able to control your excitement in this manner. They would like not to always be operating at full capacity. It would not be a good idea to completely disable them.
It keeps you from feeling and communicating excitement if you repress or suppress them. Repression may happen accidentally, whereas suppression happens deliberately. Both may exacerbate some symptoms of physical and mental illness, such as:
- Anxiety.
- Depression.
- Sleep issues.
- Muscle tension and pain.
- Difficulty managing stress.
- Substance misuse.
Make sure you aren’t simply brushing your excitement under the rug while you are trying to regulate it. Striking a balance between experiencing intense feelings and none at all is necessary for healthy emotional expression.
4. Have A Mood Journal
A mood journal is a solution to How to Control Excitement. You may find any disruptive patterns by putting your sentiments and the reactions they cause in writing, or by typing them up. Sometimes it’s sufficient to mentally trace your ideas backwards via your excitement. Writing down your emotions might help you think about them more thoroughly.
It also helps in identifying the moments when certain situations—such as conflict in the home or problems at work—contribute to more difficult-to-control feelings. Finding solutions to more effectively handle certain triggers becomes feasible when they are identified.
Regular journaling yields the most benefits. Carry a diary with you and record strong emotions or sensations as they arise. Keep a record of the triggers and your response. Use your notebook to investigate more beneficial options for the future if your response was ineffective.
5. Deal It Like Athletes
Athletes get excited too, and they have a toolkit of methods in their sleeves to handle it. According to archery arrows, the primary cause of the thrill is thinking about current events. To get over the thrill, keep your eyes on the prize, and give it your all, regardless of what other people think or the circumstances at hand.
Mountain climbers who have reached the summits of several mountains claim that there is a clear correlation between physical and mental well-being. Consequently, one may manage the excitement by engaging in deliberate, deep breathing and practicing muscular relaxation. Climbers warm up their muscles and respiration before any thrilling scenario because they think that once the physical tension is eliminated, the excitement will also go down.
Apply these Ways to Control Excitement with a burst of enthusiasm. For instance, if you have to do the activity in a crowded area, take a deep breath, gently massage your neck and shoulder muscles, and then, ignoring the people around you, go to the desired location.
6. Recognize When To Express Yourself
Everything has its own time and place, including strong excitement. For example, crying uncontrollably is a typical reaction to losing a loved one. After getting dumped, you may find that screaming into your pillow—or even pounding it—helps release some of your stress and frustration.
But in other cases, moderation is necessary. Screaming at your manager over an unjust disciplinary action won’t help, no matter how angry you are. You may learn when it’s ok to express your sentiments and when you might want to sit with them for the time being by being aware of your environment and the circumstances.
7. Try Meditation
Meditation is an answer to How to Control Excitement. If you are a regular meditation practitioner, you may have a go-to strategy for handling strong excitement. You may become more conscious of all of your excitement and sensations by practicing meditation.
By practicing meditation, you’re training yourself to accept and sit with those emotions without passing judgment on them or making an effort to push them away.
Emotional regulation may be facilitated by learning to accept all of your feelings, as was previously discussed. You may improve those accepting abilities by practicing meditation. It also has additional advantages, such as promoting relaxation and improved sleep.
8. Give Yourself Some Room
Taking a step back from strong excitement might help you ensure that your responses are appropriate. This separation might take the form of physically leaving an uncomfortable circumstance, for example. However, you may use diversion to establish some mental detachment.
It’s okay to divert yourself from your emotions until you’re in a better position to handle them, even if you shouldn’t completely block or ignore them. Just be sure to contact them again. Beneficial distractions are transient. You could try:
- Strolling.
- Seeing a humorous movie.
- Conversing with a loved one.
- Spending some time with your pet.
9. Prepare Yourself
Everyone is aware of the advantages of planning. Make sure you study every topic before a report or test. In front of the mirror, practice. Retell the text in front of your loved ones when you get them together. Ask them to give you a suitable rating. Plan ahead for a hairstylist, clothing, and makeup. Looking at 100% will instill confidence. Think through every scenario beforehand. Stow a pen, a pack of napkins, and extra tights in a bag.
Think about the inquiries that you could get. Short replies will demonstrate your understanding of the subject. Someone who is preoccupied with trinkets is unable to concentrate at work. He might start drinking or smoking to divert attention. Serious health issues are always a result of stress and unhealthy behaviors.
Keep in mind that managing your enthusiasm enhances your life. All that has to be done is have an optimistic outlook and stop being frightened of accountability and errors.
Things To Avoid While You Are Excited
There are many Ways to Control Excitement, but still sometimes, things go out of our control. We must refrain from certain things while excited, such as:
Making Crucial Decisions: Too much excitement may cloud our judgment & impair our rational decision-making abilities. We should never take any crucial decision while excited.
Drive A Vehicle: Often excitement makes our nerves unstable. In such conditions, driving a vehicle may cause an accident.
Argue With Someone: Often arguments cause excitement & vice versa. As stated, earlier excitement affects our rational & logical thinking. Avoiding any argument in such a scenario is advisable.
Go To Bed Excited: Excitement hampers our quality of sleep. If something makes you excited before going to sleep, wait for the excitement to wear off.
Exercise: Excitement makes our nerves & muscles stimulated. Exercise can make it worse. If needed, try yoga or meditation.
Eat: While excited, we often lose appetite or lose control over our food intake. Both are harmful to our bodies.
Substance abuse: Some people think that having a smoke or a glass of alcohol helps to control your excitement, but it works in the reverse manner. It makes the excitement worse.
Q: Are all excitements bad?
A: Not at all. The excitement you feel after winning a football match is good, while the excitement caused by arguing with your partner is bad.
Q: I often get excited by trivial matters, what should I do?
A: Follow the mentioned Ways to Control Excitement. If it doesn’t help, talk to a therapist.