Do you constantly assess yourself against others? Do you feel uneasy, frightened, worried, or anxious when you encounter someone who you believe to be more successful than you? When you see somebody doing better than you, do you feel guilty? If so, then jealousy is this feeling, and you must find some Ways to Overcome Jealousy.
It’s not for nothing that jealousy is described as a nasty, green-eyed monster; in fact, it’s usually one that hides beneath the bed. Most of the time, however, people function from the belief that they aren’t deserving of the things other people have (which they are not), even if there are moments when jealousy is extremely strong and you are aware of it.
Tips To Deal with Jealousy

1. Admit Your Jealousy And Talk About It
If you find yourself feeling jealous, it may be time to talk openly with your spouse about your sentiments. The secret is to communicate! Do some introspection since envy is often an internal conflict. After that, tell your companion what you’ve learned. Establish limits for both the relationship and yourself by being honest about your feelings and what unnerves you.
Healthy jealousy is shown by a spouse who is open to discussing their emotions. Saying, “I felt jealous when the man/woman at the party was talking to you,” is one example. Jealousy is a good emotion, and “I felt like he/she was flirting, and it made me feel uncomfortable.” The way you choose to handle your envy will determine whether or not the relationship succeeds. It is one of the best Ways to Overcome Jealousy.
2. Find Its Roots
Finding the roots is one of the effective Ways to Overcome Jealousy. When you feel envious, try to figure out what’s causing it. Then, to achieve your goals, make the necessary changes to what you dislike. Analyzing your sentiments of jealousy might help you understand their origins.
Whether fear, insecurity, or broken relationship patterns are the root reasons for your jealousy, understanding them can help you address them. Perhaps you decide to attempt a fresh dating strategy, have an honest discussion with your supervisor about getting back on track for a promotion, or confide in your spouse about how you’re feeling.
3. Speak Out About Your Worries
Talk to your spouse as quickly as possible if your partner’s actions—or those of someone else—make you feel jealous of them. It’s possible that neither your partner nor they were aware of the behavior or your feelings towards it. Take advantage of the chance to discuss relationship boundaries that you may wish to review or strategies for maintaining a healthy partnership.
If you have questions about your spouse despite your trust, consider identifying a few areas where you both can contribute to the improvement of the situation. Try to keep in mind that envious sentiments are quite natural, even if you’re uncomfortable talking about them. Your spouse may have experienced jealousy themselves at some time.
4. Work on Your Self-Acceptance & Self-esteem
Increasing your self-acceptance and self-esteem is a solution to How to Overcome Jealousy. Developing self-esteem may help decrease jealousy. Accepting oneself is getting to know oneself. Every time you feel the bad feeling of envy, simply take a seat, write down all the attributes and possessions you possess that others lack, and then rejoice in that realization.
Being self-aware is recognizing and embracing who you are, not who you ought to be or ought not to be. Establish your own goals for happiness and success. Live your life for you, not for other people. Evaluate yourself against your previous self. Prioritize your progress above others’. In contrast to others, it’s a lose-lose circumstance.
5. Be Grateful For What You Have
Focusing on what you have instead of what you do not have is one of the Ways to Overcome Jealousy. Whatever you have, may not be perfect in your eyes, but realize most people may not have it. Not having something or undermining something you have is a leading cause of jealousy. Try to get over it. You have a family to take care of, not a society to impress.
Maybe your cousin’s husband earns more than your husband, but your man is working honestly to meet both ends, appreciate it. Maybe your wife can’t cook like the wife of your neighbour, but she always puts healthy hot food on your plates & packs your lunch, be grateful for it.
Maybe your friend is spending a vacation in Hawaii and you are stuck in your office, you need to earn even to afford a vacation in Miami. Try harder and that day will come soon.
Instead of burning your heart with jealousy, focus on the things you have that make your life pleasant. You may not have a villa like your brother but that small apartment is something you can call your own and sleep peacefully at night. You may not have a husband as handsome as Chris Evans but think about that woman whose partner is sleeping in a coffin.
6. Think on The Big Picture
Sometimes an incomplete view causes jealousy to arise. Stated differently, you may be drawing comparisons between an idealized or incomplete image of someone else and yourself, your accomplishments, and your qualities.
Individuals often present the finest versions of themselves to the outside world, making it difficult to know the true state of another person’s relationship or life. This idea is further amplified by the entire social media problem.
However, you can never really know what someone else is going through, particularly if all you do is browse social media. What is the name of your college buddy whose Facebook page has pictures of her and her spouse enjoying a carefree and joyful time in a meadow? They may be sweating bullets beneath all that matching plaid, having fought outside.
7. Appreciate Yourself
Appreciating yourself is an answer to How to Overcome Jealousy. Two of the most frequent causes of jealousy are low self-esteem and insecurity.
The unsettling sensation that you are not good enough for your relationship exists. Because they believe they are living in their partner’s ex’s shadow, some individuals are prone to jealousy. You’ll naturally feel as if your self-worth and the relationship are in jeopardy for these reasons.
Try compiling a list of all the qualities your spouse finds endearing in you, as well as the things you find most appealing about yourself. You may even use this list to enlist the assistance of your spouse.
Another thing you can do is go through your social media, like Instagram, and unfollow folks that make you feel uneasy. This is particularly useful if you constantly compare yourself to other people. This may ultimately help you build your self-esteem and free you from inferiority complexes.
8. Practice Mindfulness
By using mindfulness practices, you may learn to observe your thoughts and emotions without passing judgment or offering criticism. Raising your awareness of jealousy will assist you in identifying any patterns it may follow, including pre-jealous events.
Moreover, practicing mindfulness might make you more at ease with jealousy. For instance, it may assist you in seeing and accepting your emotions of jealousy as a natural part of your emotional journey and allowing them to go. You may prevent jealousy from badly impacting you by not criticizing the jealousy or yourself for experiencing it.
9. Have Love, Generosity, And A Cooperative Mindset
Teach someone to love others and to give generously to those in need. They need to be motivated to collaborate with others and do community service. Although it might be difficult, controlling jealous behaviour is not impossible. Seldom do the fundamental problems go away by themselves.
The individuals need to be sincere enough in their attempts to eliminate this negativity. He should be well aware of the dangerous repercussions of harbouring this feeling, but if jealousy is a habit that he exhibits in one relationship after another, seeking professional help from a therapist may be advised.
How To Handle Your Jealous Spouse
Relationships with jealous partners don’t always have to end badly. Some individuals have trust difficulties that are the result of previous relationships or breakups, and with patience, open communication, and sensible limits, couples can often resolve these issues.
The following five suggestions can help you to find Ways to Overcome Jealousy of your partner:
1) Sit down with them and ask them specifically what’s going on, then discuss their worries and concerns. As jealousy is a sign of being terrified or threatened, you must listen to them with compassion and understanding without telling them that their sentiments are incorrect (particularly if you are aware that your spouse suffers from anxiety).
2) Avoid being defensive about your actions. It will be difficult but try to assess the circumstances and calmly speak to your spouse. Tell them you want to work with them to resolve the issue. However, it would be a good moment, to be honest, if you’re thinking of calling it quits on the partnership.
3) Exhibit additional love. Show your mate extra affection by showing them greater physical touch during this delicate period. You should be sympathetic even when their envious behaviour may appear unreasonable to you.
4) Establishing healthy boundaries is an investment that will benefit your relationship. It’s important to talk about the behaviours you are ready to work through as well as the ones you have zero tolerance for when a partner’s mild jealousy becomes abusive or excessive (always get treatment if you are being mistreated).
5) It will take time and effort to resolve jealousy, so exercise patience and go over the matter again. It will seem time-consuming and emotionally taxing at times, but you must stay encouraging, try to establish trust and communicate your commitment to solving the issue together.
Q: Is Having Jealousy a Sign of Love?
A: Jealousy comes in two flavors: good envy and unhealthy envy. The urge to protect a person you love and the perception of a possible danger are the sources of healthy jealousy. This is quite typical and a characteristic of being human. However, jealousy is undesirable and unfounded if it is motivated by fear and results in actions stemming from mistrust, paranoia, or insecurity.
Q: Is Jealousy Healthy in a Relationship?
A: Humans experience jealousy sometimes, and feelings must be expressed. Jealousy in a relationship may simply indicate that you need to discuss your needs, fears, limits, and wants with your spouse. Open communication about healthy jealousy promotes relationship development. This might seem like one partner recognizing their anxieties and devising a strategy to address them.
Q: My partner doesn’t get jealous of me. Is it a sign of indifference?
A: Maybe your partner trusts you and is not insecure about you. In teen-age love, some amount of jealousy may seem cute but mature people may find it suffocating.