Can you picture writing a letter to your crush and then waiting a long time for a response? We’re lucky to have texting! You’ve finally gotten the number of your crush. It’s now time to initiate contact and generate a good first impression that will endure. Ensure you know the tips to avoid being a dry texter before proceeding. Read this post on how to avoid becoming a dry texter if you’re not sure how to do it.
First, then, what does the word “dry texter” really mean? Starting dull text chats with your admirer is the last thing you want to do if you want to impress them negatively. If this individual abruptly ceases responding at all, don’t be shocked.
People who have recently met you are curious about your true identity. You may reveal more about who you are by making your messages sound more like you’re conversing. If your crush discovers that you are a dry texter, it might be a huge turn-off, even if they are also in love with you.
Follow These Tips To Avoid Being A Dry Texter

1. Reply Fast
How would you feel if you texted someone and they didn’t respond for at least 12 hours? Making sure to respond as quickly as possible is the first piece of advice on how to avoid becoming a dry texter.
We’re all busy, of course, but if you can’t text at a certain time, try sending a message stating that you’re busy or that you’re working on something right now and that you’ll text back in a few hours. After completing your responsibilities, remember to text back. Going days without answering someone is a much worse option than this and one of the tips to avoid being a dry texter.
2. Avoid One Word Answers
“Yes.” “Okay.” “Nope.” “Hmm”. Sometimes, despite our hectic schedules, we end up responding with one word even if we don’t want to terminate the discussion. One of the things you should never do while texting is this. You respond with “K” to someone who is actively engaged in your chat. It seems impolite, doesn’t it?
It will give the impression that you don’t want to speak to them and think they are uninteresting. Similar to the previous step, text again when you have some spare time after explaining that you’re busy or need to complete things.
3. Make Responses Longer By Focusing On Yourself
This is most likely one of the hardest ways to avoid being a dry texter. Giving one-word responses has become second nature to you. Additionally, you could just find that phone keypad difficult to use. Use the software that will type as you talk in such a scenario. Talking and maintaining the conversation will come naturally to you.
Most phones feature emoji, meme, or gif keyboards, so you may need to touch your options with your finger if you want to add some images, but that’s a really simple operation. The second point is that it will become easier the more you push yourself to do this. You won’t be a “certified dry texter” anymore.
4. Use GIFs And Emojis
Until you are certain that the other person has a sense of humor, you may want to start with milder jokes. It may be challenging to convey comedy and tone via words. Yes, it is correct. No matter how old you are, using those adorable emoticons is always hip. Even terms like “heart,” “lips,” “beer,” and “pizza” may be substituted.
By doing this, you may make a discussion lively and discover how enjoyable it can be. Another great technique to add humor to messaging is via GIFs. You may locate the ideal GIF to depict your response.
5. Try To Text First
Thus, you met someone at a gathering (even a bar), struck up a fascinating discussion, and found yourself drawn to them. After your time together, you even swapped phone numbers and left knowing that you wanted to see them again.
The traditional norm that the man must initiate contact is exactly that—ancient. It doesn’t matter whether you’re male or female. Now, once you leave the location where you met, don’t text. Hold off until you are at least home, or better yet, till the next day.
Before sending a text, consider what you want to say. Additionally, it must have at least one complete phrase. “How are you?” and “Good morning” are not considered. Send a message in the first person. “I truly enjoyed our conversation last night,” or something like that. When will we be able to get another one?
You’re not a dull texter, you see! You’ve started a discussion that requires an answer. Now, just hope your crush will reply positively and knows the tips to avoid being a dry texter. If the response is affirmative, it is your responsibility to pause, consider a potential meeting location and time, and then send a text offering to meet. You know what? Right now, you’re texting each other. That wasn’t that horrible.
6. Remember The Details
Make sure to focus on the little nuances in your discussion, whether you are speaking to a friend or a crush. How does it make you feel when someone recalls little things about you? Do you feel unique?
This also applies to the individual you are messaging. Recall people, locations, and occasions. This will even improve the quality of your future conversations. In any case, you will be able to catch up if they bring up those little things again.
7. Avoid Generic Questions or Answers
What are these? These are the topics of dull discussions. Common inquiries include “How are you?” “WYD,” “Good morning,” “Good night,” and similar ones. Additionally, you will get a dry response if you are speaking to another dry texter, such as “Good night,” “Nothing much,” or “Fine.” What a way to ruin a discussion.
The finest counsel? Don’t text at all if you don’t have anything to say; that will keep the discussion continuing and is one of the ways to avoid being a dry texter. Doing some relevant reading is one thing you may want to do to learn how to not be a dry texter in general.
Asking the correct questions will elicit more than a one- or two-word answer; maintaining a conversation and giving the other person the impression that you are interested should be part of that reading. Here are some instances if you’ve never had a crush before:
- In your spare time, what do you like doing?
- What aspects of your work do you like the most?
- Where can we go that will be enjoyable for you?
Additionally, if you get queries like these, pause to consider your response. Make yourself send back responses that go beyond your first response.
8. Seek Their Opinions
This is a terrific technique to demonstrate interest in your new crush and start a text conversation. Additionally, if you do this, you won’t seem like a dull texter. Here are some “rules” about this:
- Avoid politics and religion at first.
- Start with very basic questions and work your way up to more complex ones.
- Make sure your answer expresses your viewpoint as well and that it is accurate rather than only agreeing with them.
Even if it’s about little matters, having differing views keeps a relationship interesting.You can discuss more important topics once you’ve discussed these easier ones. Once again, for a strong reaction, be sure you have developed your viewpoint. “Do you think it is ever okay to tell a white lie?” is a question you may wish to pose. Or rather, “What is the most essential attribute a person should possess?”
Additionally, you will need to respond with much more than a few sentences. You’re headed toward becoming a proficient texter.
9. Know Your Limits
Be courteous, kind, and respectful at all times. You will learn how to joke about and even be a bit flirty if you know how to avoid being a dry texter, but you should always remember to show respect.
If they don’t respond right away, don’t keep sending them the same message. Above all, be cautious with your jokes, and don’t get upset if they miss a big day.
Situations When Dry Texting Is Okay
When someone important asks you a question, you shouldn’t be too chatty and provide a detailed explanation. Not following tips to avoid being a dry texter is perfectly acceptable under the following circumstances:
- You just don’t have the time at this moment due to your hectic schedule. You’re at a meeting right now. Or maybe you are working on a significant project at work and are now unable to concentrate. Most likely, you are just at home with company; therefore, you are unable to reply with a longer message. Therefore, using a brief sentence and reaction to explain the rationale is acceptable. “Very busy,” or something like that. “TTYL” would work well.
- The person who is interested in you is not someone you are interested in. Someone may bombard you with messages in an attempt to get the proper answer if they have a “crush” on you and want to spice things up. You may determine that dry texting is the best course of action since you don’t want to offend them. They won’t, however, if you’re hoping they’ll catch on, lose interest, and ultimately stop sending those “come on” texts. Therefore, you’ll most likely need to “bite the bullet” and just send a longer message, such as “Please stop texting me; I’m not really interested.”
- You and someone else got into a fight. Your text messages will likely reveal that you are not happy with each other at the moment. Thus, until you have resolved the issue, brief and very dry communication will most likely remain the “rule.”
- But here’s the thing: You need to learn how to improve your texting abilities if you are texting everyone in a dry manner. This is particularly important if you want to keep things interesting and strive toward a pleasant relationship with someone. Additionally, you will need to put in some effort.
Q: What is meant by “dry replies”?
A: It occurs when someone replies with a letter, such as “K,” rather than “okay,” since they don’t want to text you, or “U” in place of “you.”
Q: Why is a text considered dry?
A: In the overall context, the term “dry texting” is very new. It describes persons who only respond with a single word or who don’t continue the conversation, using phrases like “lmao” and “why” until the other person feels bored or frustrated enough to rip their hair out.
Q: Is dry texting a cause for concern?
A: It might be considered that the discussion is waning when one party’s responses begin to consist of “K” and straightforward “thumbs up” responses. Dry texting, however, is neither a warning sign nor a sign that your relationship, talking stage, or situationship is over.