Complacency can disrupt your dreams, weaken your motivation, & cause an average career & life. The good news is that you can take Steps To Avoid Complacency to have the power to upgrade your mental system. You can avoid & conquer complacency. You can break free of the chains that bind you mentally.
Complacency denies you opportunities & growth. It can rot your life & career. It can suffocate your creativity, dampen your vision, & make you avoid taking risks.
Ways to Stop Being Complacent

1. Get Out of Your Boundary
It’s easy to get comfortable & watch web series on the weekend instead of getting yourself out & explore new things. We have apps that deliver food, groceries, medicines, entertainment, & almost everything; why endure the trouble of leaving home? By not going out, we miss new experiences, opportunities, & interactions that help to shape our perspective.
Instead of repeating the same old routine, take the opportunity to explore your neighborhood & explore the unknowns. Talk to someone you don’t usually talk to in your social circles. Go to a grocery store & pick up new ingredients you haven’t seen or heard of before to cook a new dish. Try to get more involved in your community.
2. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
One of the vital Steps To Avoid Complacency is to get out of your comfort zone. Frequently, fear stops us from taking risks & experience new things. You can feel a bit awake & alive again when you step out of your comfort zone.
Take some time for contemplation to learn from your past & how you can apply lessons from that past to better your future. You can’t fall into the trap of complacency when you start to do things you don’t usually feel comfortable doing.
Take a step outside your comfort zone, note down your goals, develop confidence, & take on a growth mindset. Shape fear into excitement. Try to note down the things you don’t feel comfortable doing & take baby steps to do some of them. Suppose you are not comfortable speaking in public. Join a workshop, watch videos of experts & practice them as much as you can.
3. Recognize & Remove The Barriers
When you are trapped in a neutral mode, it’s easy to be complacent. You should work hard to recognize & eliminate the major obstacles stopping you from changing. Some barriers to change are a supposed lack of time, a lack of milestones, & a lack of clarity of your dreams & desires.
To remove these barriers to change, focus on minute wins & develop momentum. Energy is generated from energy, so let momentum work for you. Newton’s first law of motion states every object will remain motionless unless forced to change its state, while objects in motion are likely to stay in motion.
4. Don’t Use Technology for Everything
Yes, we are surrounded by technology & it is shaping our lives. It is becoming easier to get trapped by technology. Technology directs almost every field of our lives.
It decides what & where to eat, which book to read, which show we should watch, which music we should listen to, what we should wear & sometimes whom we should meet! While these tools help save time & effort, they also remove options that we may enjoy but will only appear in front of us if they meet our standards.
We are just a set of algorithms to technology & it decides our preferences based on our browsing habits & history. We are more than just some algorithms. Despite being a busy entrepreneur, you may enjoy reading comic books, but technology will never recommend that to you as it does not fit your lifestyle & routine. Take things into your hand & don’t let technology control you.
5. Keep Learning
One of the best Ways to Stop Being Complacent is to keep learning. Just because you have a degree doesn’t mean you should stop learning. Even in the professional world, you must keep learning to be efficient at your job & develop your value as a worker.
A better outcome is that your new talents could lead to greater future opportunities or the creation of something new. You should also feel free from the career you begin with for the rest of your life, but you should continually assess whether it’s the right career for you. If not, explore new careers by developing knowledge in those fields.
Knowledge can be more than just professional. You can explore your other interests too. No one is stopping you if you want to hone your culinary skills, learn painting or learn a new language. This knowledge may not bring immediate rewards, but the satisfaction you will get is amazing.
6. Plan To Evade Failure Ahead Of Time
Every time you set a new goal, ensure part of your planning procedure involves asking what will likely motivate you. If you think about these things ahead of time, it also helps you to create a plan for evading or quickly identifying the slip-ups so you can get back on track without wasting time.
For instance, if you have a goal to work out at least six days a week, you know if you don’t get up early & do it first, you will skip it. Because you know this, part of your plan includes going to bed a bit earlier, so when the alarm sounds at 5:00 am, you are not tempted to hit the snooze button.
7. Set & Uphold High Standards
We rise or fall to the standards we set for ourselves in our respective lives. We can perform better with deadlines, responsibility, & fineness standards. Your standards are what you let happen in your life.
Consider your standards; have you set them too low? Your standards are sets of values that you accept & don’t accept. It’s where you draw a line in all areas of your life. Your standards are how you let others treat you & what you believe you deserve. Set & uphold higher standards to avoid the trap of complacency.
8. Get Rid Of Limiting Beliefs
We can often be our most awful enemy. We often think negatively. In the process, we often impose some baseless limiting beliefs. We have the necessary power to upgrade the mental system that will help us to remove complacency.
To get rid of limiting beliefs, ask yourself:
- What if I’m wrong about these negativities?
- How is this belief aiding me?
- Can I manage this differently?
Limiting beliefs lose their potential when you consider that they may or may not be correct. Develop alternative beliefs. Stop saying, “I am not worthy of success,” “I am not smart or attractive enough,” or “I don’t have time or money to chase my passion.”
What Is Workplace Complacency?
Workplace complacency brings trouble not only for individual careers but also for companies. Healthy companies are vibrant & open to change, as well as aware of the quality of both the labor & the outcome. Workplace complacency means settling for “good enough,” while high-ranking organizations adopt a “what’s next?” approach.
Employee complacency can disrupt a business’s success, yet many employers do not completely understand the extent of the problem or are ignorant of the warning signs. Luckily, there are many effective Steps To Avoid Complacency in personal life & workplace.
Q: Is Complacency such a bad thing?
A: Some satisfaction after a job well done is normal, but it is terrible if the feeling engulfs you.
Q: Are we not allowed to be satisfied after a success?
A: As stated, satisfaction & complacency may mean the same, but their nature is different. A little victory dance, a small break & enjoying success is healthy, but if it dampens your motivation to go for more, it is terrible.
Q: Even after following Steps To Avoid Complacency, I can’t get rid of it. What should I do?
A: If you cannot shake the feeling, find a mentor, or talk to a counselor.