7 Steps To Foster Emotional Intelligence In Your Team

Dr. Ankit Sharma, PhD

Steps To Foster Emotional Intelligence

Have you ever wondered what distinguishes genuinely effective teams? It involves more than simply technical know-how and proficiency; it also involves emotional intelligence (EQ), which is more abstract yet has a profound influence. Imagine working in an environment where happiness permeates the air, relationships are solid, and problems are easily overcome. If not, you need to follow these steps to foster emotional intelligence.

According to research, executives in business who possess a high degree of emotional intelligence are uniquely able to create psychologically secure work settings in which staff members may reach their maximum potential.

However, it doesn’t end there. Developing emotional intelligence has advantages at every level of your company. Research suggests that emotional intelligence—rather than just IQ—may have a greater influence on achievement. Furthermore, those with high EQs often drive innovation and report higher levels of work satisfaction.

How To Foster Emotional Intelligence In Your Team

Steps To Foster Emotional Intelligence

1. Give Regular Coaching And Feedback

Providing regular coaching and feedback is one of the steps to foster emotional intelligence. The cornerstone of emotional intelligence is self-awareness. Urge the people in your team to consider their feelings, abilities, shortcomings, and responses to different circumstances. The encouragement of frequent coaching and feedback is one approach to achieving this.

By doing this, managers may assist staff members in comprehending their feelings and how they affect their conduct. Give staff members continual assistance and direction to aid in their self-awareness development.

Teach your leaders how to effectively monitor performance and provide coaching. Maintaining the team’s momentum toward its objectives requires you to be able to support individuals’ success via dialogue, coaching, and accountability.

2. Know Strengths And Weaknesses Of Team Members

Members of your team are more than simply workers with a job title. They are distinctive people with fascinating tales to share. Also, the variety of abilities, knowledge, and skills that your staff members possess may help you achieve your objectives as a whole.

Developing a deeper relationship with each team member is the first step towards optimizing their potential. To discover what they can provide outside of their typical work function or title, it would be ideal if you could get to know them better outside of a project.

You should also go beyond first perceptions, promote creativity, delegate instruction to your staff, and provide praise and awards. When a team member does make a mistake, provide insightful criticism so that the team leader may demonstrate to the member that they matter beyond just receiving criticism.

3. Develop Self-Awareness

The capacity to identify and control one’s own emotions is one of the main characteristics of emotionally intelligent individuals. Making a conscious effort to understand how your emotions and triggers influence your behavior is by far the most crucial step you can take to increase your emotional intelligence, which is one of the ways to improve emotional intelligence.

This kind of job is difficult and even unpleasant. You may develop a compassionate understanding of yourself by working with a coach or therapist. Give your feelings as precise a name as you can. Try feeling dissatisfied, irritated, intimidated, nervous, or apprehensive instead of settling for annoyed or furious. Does a different “label” seem more accurate?

4. Develop Empathy

Empathy entails sharing and comprehending the emotions of others. It’s a crucial component of emotional intelligence that improves collaboration and interpersonal interactions. Encourage psychological safety so that team members feel at ease discussing their ideas, emotions, and worries. This will help to increase empathy in your group. Ensure that everyone communicates with one another openly and courteously.

Arranging activities that promote perspective-taking, such as role-playing or storytelling, is another approach to doing this. These exercises facilitate understanding other people’s perspectives. Urge your staff to pay close attention to others and probe thoughtfully to get insight into their motivations. Empathy training can help your team increase trust, lessen conflict, and foster an inclusive workplace.

5. Create Passion

Passion is one of the steps to foster emotional intelligence in your team. Initially, as a team leader, ensure that the people you appoint are the correct ones. We are not limited to those who possess the knowledge or expertise. We are referring to people who are enthusiastic about their job and your business and who blend in with the culture of your organization.

You can recruit the best people, but that doesn’t guarantee they won’t sometimes lose their enthusiasm. You may ignite desire and avoid drooping energy by performing the following:

  • Acknowledging the efforts and successes of your teammates.
  • Having a fun, adaptable workplace where collaboration is appreciated.
  • Ensuring that your business has a goal that you are pursuing will give everyone a sense of direction.

6. Promote Effective Communication

The core of emotional intelligence is effective communication. It entails not only communicating ideas properly but also paying attention to emotional undertones and nonverbal clues. It’s not just about speaking well; you also need to be aware of other people’s behaviors and emotions. Ask questions to make sure they understand, and encourage your staff to actively listen to others when they speak.

Organizing training sessions for your staff that concentrate on enhancing communication skills is another method to achieve this. Topics like assertiveness, conflict resolution, and nonverbal communication may be covered in these sessions.

7. Encourage Team Members To Speak Up

Being able to communicate effectively is one of the ways to improve emotional intelligence. Assisting your team members with active listening, improving their comprehension of body language, and providing a safe space for them to express their worries or frustrations may all help them become better communicators.

But don’t let such unfavorable feelings bring the team as a whole down. Instead, make positive use of it to help your team come up with a solution and choose how best to handle the issue.

You should also allow your team members to contribute their suggestions. A “storyboarding” approach is used by the consulting company Hay Group, in which team members make a miniature poster that summarizes their thoughts. Additionally, be sure to inquire about and support the opinions of your more reserved team members.

Why Do You Need Emotionally Intelligent Team?

Since the 1990s, emotional intelligence has been a fashionable term in the workplace. Emotional intelligence is defined by researchers John Mayer and Peter Salovey as the capacity to “recognize, understand, and influence the emotions of others.” What does this imply, then?

Practically speaking, this entails understanding how emotions affect our conduct and following steps to foster emotional intelligence to control them in both ourselves and other people. An individual who has emotional intelligence will be able to think critically, communicate and empathize with others, and adjust to change quickly. For many reasons, employers are looking for individuals with emotional intelligence:

Enhanced communication: Body language and tone play a big role in communication. An individual with emotional intelligence will be able to interpret others’ body language and tones and modify their own according to the situation at hand. Emotionally intelligent individuals also find it simple to establish social bonds with their coworkers.

Enhanced productivity is an advantage of effective communication in the workplace for your company. You will be able to extract the greatest ideas from your workers if they can interact with one another in a relaxed and productive manner.

Productivity: Emotionally intelligent workers are analytical thinkers who can forecast behavior and see the advantages and disadvantages of others. To complete a task as quickly as possible, an emotionally intelligent leader might assign tasks to team members according to their skills.

Client-focus: A partnership may fail because some customers find it difficult to communicate their requirements and goals. Even if a customer is unable to express what they want, an emotionally intelligent worker will be able to decipher their conduct and language.


Q: How is cooperation aided by emotional intelligence?

A: The ability to control one’s emotions is crucial for project advancement and for fostering productive working relationships with clients and other team members, particularly in times of conflict, strain, stress, and deadline pressure.

Q: How may emotional intelligence be used at work?

A: Stakeholders in all areas of the contemporary workplace may greatly benefit from emotional intelligence. Understanding the motives of people aids leaders in inspiring and motivating productive work. It increases the number of people participating and assists in avoiding groupthink’s many traps.

Q: Is it possible to acquire emotional intelligence?

A: Emotional intelligence is a collection of abilities and conduct. Although some skills come more easily to certain individuals than others, emotional intelligence (EI) is a skill that can be cultivated.

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