Today, we will discuss something which is gaining importance in our lives in this age of technology. We will discuss Digital wellbeing. Digital wellbeing is the term used to describe the impact of technologies and digital services on people’s mental, physical, social & emotional health.
The world has changed a lot in the last few years. Technology has seen some rapid development & we have embraced it as a part of our lives. We often turn a blind eye to our Digital wellbeing, which is unwise.
Importance of Digital Wellbeing

We’re developing a wholly digital future, the initiative that all businesses would be done digitally. Digital wellness is, therefore, crucial because we need the stamina to stand and prosper in the digital space.
1. Mental Health Balance
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), “there is no health without mental health,” as our efficiency relies mainly on our mental health; if we have to maintain our wellbeing, our digital space must be kept in check and balanced.
2. Identity
One of digital space’s hazards is related to a person’s self-worth and identity. True identity is who & what you are & not who or what people want you to be. The digital space has a way (unconsciously, some may say) of defining our identities if we have not figured it out on our own. Every time we use the digital space productively & to the beauty of our wellbeing, we will be able to set up balance.
3. Addiction
According to some recent studies, addiction is a “psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is the root of psychological and physical harm.” Our acceptance of this definition is based on the fact that there are activities within the digital space that we overdo & cannot easily control, even though sometimes we want to manage them.
This is why we get frightened when topics around Internet Addiction Disorders (IAD) arise, and we think of being away from technology. If any treatment to create stability within the digital space will ever work, we’ve to, first of all, understand that our wellbeing matters both offline and as much online.
4. Enjoying the Digital Future
Digital wellbeing is not a process of denying the reality of the digital era, nor is it running away from it; it is somewhat the process of enjoying a fruitful and rewarding use. For this reason, it is called Digital wellbeing. It is using the digital space the right way at the right time, for the right reasons, to make your life better & in the way, the world better.
Tips To Improve Your Digital Wellness

Digital wellbeing is quite a complex subject. Defining what is right and wrong in digital wellbeing is not that simple, as digital technology brings both positive & negative outcomes to our overall wellbeing. Endorsing a healthy use of technology will help you maintain positive mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Below are just some of the things to be aware of and how you can conquer some of the issues caused by using technology.
1. Track Your Digital Habits
Creating new habits can feel overwhelming, but taking small steps and adjusting to a new way of using your digital devices will help you be more content and present.
Ask yourself some questions: How do your digital devices make you feel? Do you sometimes think besieged with too much information or feel pressured or stressed by social media or messages? Maybe you get anxious if you forget your mobile phone when going out. Suppose your digital device is causing you negative feelings. In that case, it’s time to look at how you can improve your digital wellbeing.
2. Observe Your Digital Activity
The first step towards civilizing your digital wellbeing is comprehensively understanding your tech use. Knowing how much time you spend using digital devices and how you interact with them is vital. Most smartphones now can monitor your activity, so you can analyze the time you spend on each app on a digital device.
3. Manage Your Apps and Notifications to Decrease Distractions
Pausing apps and modifying when and how you get notifications can help to keep your attention on your work. Features such as ‘focus’ mode on devices can help. This tip is helpful if you check your device immediately to see if it vibrates or makes a sound.
4. Reduce Your Device Use When You Are with Others
Give your total concentration to the people you spend time with and increase the quality of your connections. Features such as “Do not disturb” can help. This tip is helpful if you find you get distracted by your device when you are with your friends or family.
5. Shun Your Device for Better Night’s Sleep
Creating distance from your device at night can help you feel more relaxed and help you to sleep better. Use features like bedtime mode/wind-down mode to help you set up a healthy sleep routine. This tip is helpful if you stay on your device instead of going to sleep when you plan to.
6. Manage Your Inbox
Email at your fingertips can allow connection and productivity. Make your inbox work even harder for you with features that present you with greater control over when and how your email. Use priority/VIP inboxes to declutter your inbox, & email scheduling. This helps if you feel overwhelmed by the number of unread emails you have.
7. Try Single-Tasking
Multitasking can sometimes become counterproductive. To improve your focus, try reducing the number of screens around you, prioritizing just the one that helps you achieve a single task at a time.
8. Talk About Technology with Your Family
Create fruitful conversations and identify healthy habits that benefit your whole family. These conversations should focus on deciding when and how to use devices, using social media meaningfully and responsibly, making gaming a helpful experience, & balancing offline and online activities.
To implement Digital wellbeing, you must understand the merits & demerits of technology & how you can control their effects on you. Careful observation, focus & rational thinking can help you strike a balance between your online & offline life.