Sometimes, we all have succumbed to this deadly sin, greed. Sometimes, we become greedy for power & attention like Loki, and sometimes, for fortune & wealth like Beni in the movie ‘The Mummy (1999). We often forget what happened to them when we give in to greed for some temporary achievements or pleasure. If you feel greed is engulfing you, maybe these Tips to Help You Overcome Greed will help you.
Not every person is a characteristic provider. Some battle with liberality since they are concerned that their assets wouldn’t be enough for them, assuming they provide for other people. Others are centered on saving however much as could be expected for the ‘future,’ & providing to others would defeat their purpose.
Overcome Greed With These Easy Steps

1. Get Rid Of Scarcity Mindset
The Scarcity Mindset is just a mindset of not having enough of something to share. Regardless of how much cash, status, popularity, and clothing (whatever takes care of your greed) you gather, there actually isn’t sufficient to share. If you have that kind of mindset:
- You likely find it hard to share parts of your things.
- You don’t have a solid sense of safety enough to relinquish your assets to someone in need since you think it’ll leave you in deficiency.
- You frequently grumble about not having enough of something.
- You grumble about others taking money for themselves.
Assuming these proclamations sound like you, you’re experiencing greed due to the scarcity mindset. Furthermore, you most likely discovered that from another person with a worldview fueled by a scarcity mindset.
However, when you decide to eliminate a scarcity mindset, your development of a mindset of abundance starts. Furthermore, greed begins to relinquish you.
2. Develop Abundance Mindset
Creating an abundance mindset is one of the best Tips to Help You Overcome Greed. The very inverse of the scarcity mindset, the abundance mindset is a wellspring of extraordinary progress in all parts of life. The abundance mindset is a conviction that there’s a lot of something to go around for anybody chasing.
Be that as it may, most of us start from the scarcity mindset towards this extraordinary mindset. Luckily, as Napoleon Hill’s statement, “You are what you think,” goes, you’ll get abundance when you think abundance.
Here are some simple ways to develop that mindset:
- Notice & recognize your abundance mindset.
- Search for what you need to accomplish.
- Encircle yourself with individuals & data brimming with the o abundance mindset.
- Continuously search for ways of making shared benefit circumstances in your personal & professional life.
- Become accustomed to searching for opportunities for you & others.
- Practice gratitude.
Keep in mind; there’s always something for everybody. Pay special attention to yourself as well as other people too. You will not lose anything by doing that.
3. Stop Comparing
Comparing yourself with others additionally drives you to the grasp of greed since you’d need what others have. However, the belongings & experiences that others appreciate are boundless, so assuming you want to find them, your cravings won’t end – you’ll continue needing more & gathering more with no restrictions.
Rather than zeroing in on what others have, center around what you have, utilizing the assets you have astutely instead of fantasizing about how you can manage more. Life is tied in with utilizing the assets accessible to us to bring esteem instead of dazzling others through amassing additional assets. It is one of the best Tips to Help You Overcome Greed.
4. Make A Gratitude Mindset
Gratitude is the wellspring of an abundance mindset. How you feel you’ve been gifted makes you need to gift others, too. Notwithstanding, one who feels denied of gifts doesn’t get spurred to gift also because their disposition is that of needing more.
In this manner, assuming you want to discard greed & embrace gratitude, begin searching out precisely the exact thing you should be thankful for on the grounds that there’s continuously something. Here’s how you can develop a gratitude mindset:
- Note down three things you’re grateful for every day.
- When you think about it, make sure to be grateful for the position you are in.
- Consider your day & be grateful for all beneficial things.
- Look at individuals around you, positive or negative, and be thankful for what they have educated you.
- Call & say thank you to the individuals who helped you.
5. Identify The Source of Your Selfishness
The ideal way to manage anything is to pursue its underlying foundations. When you remove the source of a negative behavior pattern, it can, at this point, not live. The source of greed chiefly comes from our molding since childhood.
Maybe you grew up with nothing & comprehended that to be sufficient; you must have been rich with the majority of the money, status, garments, or anything material thing you think.
Perhaps you’re on the other end of the range where you experienced childhood in privilege & your rich guardians regarded profoundly the most amazing of greatness. With an end goal to satisfy them, you pursue being the best competitor in any place you are. The decorations you got were rarely enough & you needed to look for more & more.
6. Realize The True Joy Lies in Giving
Consider the most famous people ever. The individuals who carried on with a life of giving. George Muller, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Christ, and Albert Einstein are astounding individuals.
Nobody at any point extraordinarily influenced society without giving themselves to the world. Nobody. Somehow, they chose to be the change they were searching for. That is why we admire them many years, hundreds of years, & millenniums later.
Assuming you need to escape greed, why not inspire yourself with how your life will be most effective through generosity? En route, uprightness will be the only thing that is important.
7. Remember, Nothing Is Permanent
One of the best answers to How To Overcome Greed is to remind yourself that nothing is permanent in this world. Today’s high & mighty empire may fall into the dust the next day & the Kings today might be forced to live like beggars tomorrow. No earthly possession, no amount of money or power is everlasting.
Remember how badly you wanted a Walkman as it was the most sought-after gadget in your youth? Well, it is obsolete now. The fashion trends which are viral today can be the subject of ridicule the next day.
Even a few years ago, you drooled for that mobile with 4GB RAM & 48 Megapixel camera; nowadays, mobile phones come with 16GB RAM & 200 Megapixel camera. Just remember, most sought-after things may become useless tomorrow. Therefore, it is wise not to run after them by sacrificing your happiness & value.
Some Books To Overcome Greed
One of the best Tips to Help You Overcome Greed is to resort to books. Many famous authors. Philosophers & scholars have written some books that can help us eliminate this deadly sin. Some of them are:
- Greed and Good: Understanding and Overcoming the Inequality That Limits Our Lives by Sam Pizzigati.
- Overcome Greed & Selfishness by Wolfgang Riebe.
- From Greed To Grace by David McCracken.
- The Pearl by John Steinbeck.
- Searching for Self-In Pursuit of Inner Peace by K R V HARI.
Q: If someone is greedy about food, is it bad?
A: Too much of anything can be harmful; if someone consumes more than an average human body requires, it is harmful.
Q: Is being ambitious greedy?
A: Being ambitious isn’t bad, but being greedy is. Too much ambition can cause downfall.
Q: What are the Seven Deadly Sins?
A: They are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, & sloth.