Books are a resource for almost everything. If you are looking for some deeper philosophical insights, pick some books. If you want to lose yourself in a made-up world of giants & dragons, goblins & warriors, vampires, or shrewd detectives, turn to books. Likewise, Best Books on Happiness can offer you that if you are trying to find some happiness in this mundane world.
Every year, specialists come together to evaluate the worldwide happiness index. The outcome, the World Happiness Report, is delivered on March 20, the International Day of Happiness. This sounds like something good; however, starting & in 2005, general happiness is diminishing while gloomy sentiments like trouble & outrage are on the ascent.
What’s more regrettable is the youngsters encountering psychological instability, addictions, & their outcomes. To a degree, this is justifiable. These bitter, sad things must be handled for our survival.
Some Books That Will Make You Happy

1. The Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama
This book was composed by a therapist, Dr Cutler, in light of meetings directed over a multi-week time with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, is prestigious for his feeling of peace & in this book, readers can realize how they might find this equivalent of serenity.
In this book, Howard C. Cutler advances a “western” (for example, science-based) perspective on the Dalai Lama’s (a Buddhist priest, otherwise called Tenzin Gyatso) lessons. It gives an outline of Tibetan Buddhism & the messages from its chief, the Dalia Lama.
A vital component of the book is the immediate citations from the Dalai Lama. Anyway, what are the Dalai Lama’s lessons about satisfaction?
Happiness is, as per this book, the motivation behind life. When an individual’s fundamental requirements are met, happiness is more the consequence of the brain than occasions, outer circumstances, and conditions.
2. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert
This book, composed by Professor Daniel Gilbert, won the Royal Society of Science Prize in 2007. Gilbert exhibits that most of us don’t know how to satisfy ourselves, and he explains why this is the situation. We all wish to be content, yet how would we do such?
As indicated by Professor Gilbert, individuals need to have the foggiest idea of how to anticipate what will satisfy their future selves. ‘ Stumbling on Happiness’ makes Gilbert sense of how our minds foresee the future & investigate whether the brain can envision what it will appreciate.
3. Solve For Happy by Mo Gawdat
This one of the Best Books on Happiness spreads out a former Google engineer’s recipe for happiness, which shows you that it’s our default state & how to defeat the impediments we face in remaining in it.
Sometimes, it takes misfortune to comprehend happiness is a decision. Mo Gawdat knows. He lost his 21-year-old son Ali. He trained himself to opt for happiness rather than bitterness. What settled on Gawdat’s conspicuous decision was the recipe that he & Ali had been dealing with for quite a long time.
Happiness is equivalent to or more prominent than the occasions of your life, less your assumption of how life ought to be. This mind-blowing book shows you why your point of view, more than whatever else, decides your happiness.
4. The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: A Guide to ACT by Russ Harris & Steven C. Hayes
Dr Russ Harris is a clinical specialist with specific skills in stress management & he prepares mentors, clinicians, specialists & other well-being experts in the use of mindfulness. This is a simple-to-read self-improvement guide.
‘The Happiness Trap’, depicted as enabling & useful, presents ACT (Acknowledgment & Commitment Treatment). ACT is a generally ongoing way to deal with psychotherapy created out of driving examination in conducting brain research.
ACT is focused on a care-based program intended to diminish pressure, overcome fears & track down happiness. Harris’s book is a worldwide smash hit distributed in more than 30 nations & 22 languages.
5. The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
This one of the Best Happiness Books reverses the situation on happiness by demonstrating it is a device for progress instead of its consequence, sharing seven significant standards you can use to increment both.
Shawn Achor’s research uncovers the lies in the ordinary thought that difficult work & achievement lead to happiness. He’s recognized, with science, that joy starts things out, and then, at that point, you will become effective. This book focuses on multiple ways that you can begin being more joyful at present.
6. The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
Over 1,000,000 of Rubin’s books have been sold! This book was composed by top-of-the-line writer Gretchen Rubin. Rubin hosts a weekly podcast called “Happier with Gretchen Rubin”. She has composed an expansive scope of themes, including histories of Sir Winston Churchill & John F. Kennedy. Rubin is an alum of Yale Graduate School.
‘ The Happiness Project’ subtleties Gretchen Rubin’s extended examination concerning what prompts a condition of happiness. Individual creator Sonja Lyubomirsky, a specialist in the subject of happiness, portrayed this book as “a cross between the Dalai Lama’s ‘ The Art of Happiness’ & Elizabeth Gilbert’s ‘Eat, Pray, Love”.
This book ties expert science alongside traditional ways of thinking & genuine appropriateness.
7. The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt
The Happiness Hypothesis is the most exhaustive examination of how you can track down satisfaction in our cutting-edge society, supported by a lot of logical exploration, genuine models, and surprisingly, a strict recipe for happiness.
This book plunges into the neurological perspectives that add to happiness with a twist. Rather than losing all sense of direction in clinical terms, Haidt utilizes the paramount similarity of a rider on an elephant. The representation demonstrates how we can tackle our brains to fulfil us. More significantly, you’ll figure out how to fabricate thinking and relationship propensities that will prompt long-haul bliss.
Some Honorable Mentions
Listing a few Best Books on Happiness is a daunting task. There are so many books worldwide. Here are some more of them:
- Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman.
- The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor.
- Happiness Is an Inside Job: Practicing for a Joyful Life by Sylvia Boorstein.
- The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha.
- Happiness – Design: Finding Pleasure and Purpose in Everyday Life by Paul Dolan.
- The Happiness Factor: How to Be Happy No Matter What! by Kirk Wilkinson.
- The How of Happiness – Sonja Lyubomirsky.
- Happiness Beyond Thought: A Practical Guide to Awakening by Gary Weber.
- Happiness: Lessons from a New Science by Richard Layard and Baron Layard.
Q: What to do if I want to read these books but can’t afford them?
A: There are libraries you can go to. Or borrow them from someone.
Q: Are the Best Books on Happiness the books which bring happiness?
A: Not every book that brings happiness is a book of happiness. Books on happiness offer an in-depth analysis of this essential human emotion.
Q: How can reading books on theories & analysis bring happiness?
A: Those books can’t offer happiness like comic books, but they can offer in-depth views on achieving happiness.